rraw & tan
are you tired of the overwhelming presence of flaunting & heavily filtered content?
do you want something more authentic?
us too.
that's why we created this space. it's new, for us, but we're excited.
it's a nurturing platform where we can collectively exchange our authentic inspirations, art, nature, travel experiences, and everything else that's genuinely meaningful.
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you will receive a monthly newsletter focused on sources of inspiration in my life, including art, food, and the meaningful little moments, along with an emphasis on cultivating mindfulness. 🌸
linen gratitude journals
non-dated <3
White Linen Gratitude Journals
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Pink Linen Gratitude Journal
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Black Linen Gratitude Journals
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Forest Green Linen Gratitude Journals
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Navy Blue Linen Gratitude Journals
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rraw & tan entries
new years resolutions questions..
What are the most important relationships in your life and how have they evolved over the past year? How have your personal values and beliefs shaped your decisions and actions?...
new years resolutions questions..
What are the most important relationships in your life and how have they evolved over the past year? How have your personal values and beliefs shaped your decisions and actions?...
The Science Behind 'Grounding'
Have you ever experienced moments when you felt a bit overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? In the hustle and bustle of today's fast-paced world, it's quite easy to find ourselves swept...
The Science Behind 'Grounding'
Have you ever experienced moments when you felt a bit overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? In the hustle and bustle of today's fast-paced world, it's quite easy to find ourselves swept...
Is stress normal?
Stress is a natural part of life, serving as a signal that our bodies are responding to challenges. This innate response, often known as the "fight or flight" mechanism, can...
Is stress normal?
Stress is a natural part of life, serving as a signal that our bodies are responding to challenges. This innate response, often known as the "fight or flight" mechanism, can...